Assistive Technology for Educational Sensory

Assistive Technology for Educational Sensory 

Our Educational Sensory Assistive Technology (AT) aids help people learn about the environment surrounding them, either in a home or educational setting. Many items also help the user strengthen their motor skills, feel more relaxed and experience tactile sensations that might be unfamiliar.

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Giant Touch Trainer

Provides a rich variety of color-coded textures, so a person with visual and/or tactile challenges can get a feel for the physical characteristics of different surfaces they’ll encounter in the environment.



Used by occupational therapists, the brightly colored tactile substances give people a chance to compare differing resistance and firmness levels. Helps users develop fine motor skills while they engage in a variety of play activities.

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Sensory tubes

A variety of shapes and sizes provides lots of opportunities for visual and tactile stimulation and relaxation. Users learn about recognizable objects and the environment around them. Each tube, safely sealed in a transparent container, can be manipulated endlessly for self-paced learning.

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Activity triangle

Contains a trove of multi-textured play objects, so users get exposed to various shapes, sizes and textures in their activity routines. Helps develop motor skills while it encourages healthy play and movement.

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Full-page color reading guides

Durable color overlays help people with visual and perception issues read more easily. Available in a variety of colors, they come with 3-hole punch for use in binders. Especially useful for those with dyslexia. Colors include orange, blue, green, yellow and even pink (shown).

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Writing grips

These simple devices help users with arthritis and coordination challenges hold a pen or pencil more securely while learning how to write.

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Weighted blankets and garments

These items provide physical and emotional comfort while helping the user relax and feel safe. 

These visual and auditory aids are part of Hope Haven’s inventory of AT devices that help people with special needs get along more successfully in the world. It’s like a lending library, where you check out the equipment you need, then return it when you’re finished so someone else can use it. 

Because our AT program operates through Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST), the equipment is available for use by any member of the disabled community—not just students associated with Hope Haven.

All equipment is thoroughly cleaned, inspected and disinfected before and after each use. 

To learn more, including an updated inventory, schedule an Assistive Technology consultation. Or contact our FAAST program coordinator directly at 904-346-5100, ext. 336.




Assistive Technology for Vision and Hearing