What is dyslexia?

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Dyslexia is a greatly misunderstood topic.


1. It is where one SEES letters reversed; therefore color overlays help.

2. A child with dyslexia will never learn to read if not reading by third grade.

Why would you give up on a 9 year old child?

Belief in these myths can cost a family greatly if the wrong intervention is utilized. Because the brain has plasticity, any dyslexic can learn to read, no matter the age.

To understand more, watch this video by neuroscientist Gueneviere Eden. She presents neuroscience in a way everyone can understand.

For more on Hope Haven’s Educational Development Services (Tutoring), our facilities, educators and staff, or to arrange a tour, contact us at 904-346-5100.


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