Meet Ryan

It was In the late 1990s when Ryan’s mother saw an article in a women’s magazine about how the original Project Search started in a hospital in the Midwest.

“I immediately though Ryan could do that. I tore the article out and saved it in a file. I don’t believe in coincidences,” according to Ryan’s mother.

When Ryan was about to graduate from Alden Rd in 2008,  an article came out in the paper about Hope Haven starting a Project Search program here in Jacksonville. Ryan’s mother immediately found out how to get her son involved. We were able to secure a spot in that first class and the rest is history!

“We were able to secure a spot in that first class and the rest is history!”

Following Project Search, Hope Haven helped Ryan find employment. Because of Project Search, Ryan will celebrate his eighth year of working part time at the Public Defender’s Office in Jacksonville this summer.

Ryan is responsible for sorting and delivering the mail twice during his three-hour shift, five days a week, in the very busy six-story building where about 120 lawyers and staff people work.

He had a job coach from Hope Haven for about a year or two but once he learned the ropes, his job coach bowed out as she said Ryan could handle it himself. His coworkers have embraced Ryan and helped him every step of the way.

“We will be forever grateful to the many people from Hope Haven, Project Search, and the Public Defender’s Office for giving Ryan a chance to show what a valuable employee he can be,” stated Ryan’s mother.


Meet Nala