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Spring Career Camp

  • Hope Haven 4600 Beach Boulevard Jacksonville, FL, 32207 United States (map)

Hope Haven is offering a Spring Career Camp with a focus on students, 14-21, who have either an IEP or a 504 plan. During camp, your student will have the opportunity to explore different career opportunities, develop resume writing skills and build their social skills with peers. Students will also practice interviewing in our Mixed Reality Lab where they will learn valuable calming strategies utilizing Job Skills Music Therapy and/or Contextual Learning. This camp is offered at no cost to students with a referral from Vocational Rehabilitation.

If you have questions, please call 904.346.5100, or email

Please contact your VR counselor today and request an in-person Spring session referral be sent to Hope Haven for your student.

March 13

Spring Days of Hope

January 16

Bezos Academy Informational Session