To even the most highly trained observer, someone diagnosed with autism (known as autism spectrum disorder, or ASD) can behave in ways that appear similar to someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). And if it’s not an easy call for a behavioral specialist, it’s even harder for a non-professional to tell the difference.   

While similarities abound, there are meaningful differences. And it’s important to make the distinction accurately. Because, as with most other disorders (physical and cognitive), treatment strategies for ASD and ADHD differ. Complicating matters a little further, ASD and ADHD can occur together. 

ADHD and ASD are both classified as neurodevelopmental conditions. Expect to see some overlap in behavior from people with either diagnosis, or both. Some behaviors are common between them: 

  • being fidgety or constantly on the move

  • sensitivity about someone invading their personal space

  • struggling to read and respond appropriately to social cues, especially non-verbal ones

  • experiencing meltdowns or tantrums when frustrated

Despite these similarities, the two conditions present differences in terms of observable signs, social considerations and treatment options.

People with ADHD may:

  • be distracted, disorganized or impatient 

  • forget important information or act as if they’re not listening

  • behave impulsively, roughly or in ways that suggest they don't fully understand consequences of their actions

People with ASD are likely to:

  • avoid visual or physical contact with others

  • be slow to develop speech (if at all), while others may use language skillfully

  • take comfort in routine

  • react negatively to disruptions, and may self-soothe with rocking and other unusual body movement

  • have trouble with empathy, expressing and understanding feelings, and recognizing dangers

  • have unusually strong reactions to specific sensory stimuli

People with both conditions often face social consequences from others outside the home, based on their behaviors. 

People with ADHD may:

  • have trouble forming and retaining friendships because it’s hard for them to understand and follow social behavioral norms

  • get into trouble with teachers and other authority figures, who might misinterpret the reasons for problem behavior. This, in turn, can leave the individual with a negative self-image and prevent them from performing academically.

People on the autism spectrum often: 

  • have trouble understanding the dynamics of social relationships and may find them intimidating. This occurs partly because of communication challenges, especially those that involve nonverbal cues like facial expressions and tone of voice. 

  • face teasing from peers when feeling frustrated or overwhelmed because of their self-soothing behaviors like rocking and arm-flapping

Treatment options

Professionals in the medical and mental health communities have a variety of strategies for treating people with both conditions and helping them moderate some of the challenges they face.

There are various medications available to help people with ADHD focus their attention more effectively, which often makes the condition more manageable and helps people function more comfortably in society. Cognitive behavioral therapy can also help overcome anxiety and the perception of learning differences.

Because ASD represents a wide range of signs, symptoms and diagnoses, treatment modalities can vary depending on the person’s individual challenges. Options might include early intervention services, training in social and other “soft” skills, sensory integration therapy, and speech and language therapy. If there’s a co-occurring diagnosis like anxiety, medications can also help. 

How families can help

Families play a large role in making life easier for people diagnosed with ADHD, ASD or both. The first rule of thumb, regardless of diagnosis, is: always coordinate with the person’s professional care team (i.e., doctors, therapists, and teachers). 


  • Make sure the person knows the behavioral expectations and rules in your household.

  • Provide structure by developing and repeating daily routines.

  • Divide instructions into small, manageable tasks.

  • Promote visual aids to help the person stay organized, Checklists are great for this. 

  • Build mental health breaks into periods of concentration.

  • Set aside a separate work area for homework.

  • Provide a heads-up before scheduling one-off activities that disrupt the person’s established routine.


  • Be clear with the behaviors you expect from the person.

  • Provide structure by developing and repeating daily routines.

  • Split up complex tasks (like doing the dishes) into small components that can be more easily achieved.

  • Plan on occasional tantrums and frustration, so you can deal with them more calmly.

  • Help the person manage social interactions by practicing scripts that are easy to remember.

 For more on the differences and similarities between ADHD and ASD, contact us at 904-346-5100. We offer evaluations and therapies to steer families toward proven programs for making the most of a child’s potential. Not sure how to get help for someone with special needs? Our Center for Educational Advocacy can help you maximize the resources available.

Celebrating the Holidays

Celebrating the Holidays

For many, the holidays are a time of joy and wonder, a time when even adults get in touch with their inner child. For some children who have special needs, though, the same season can also be triggering, confusing and downright intimidating. If you have kids with special needs, you’ve probably experienced this duality, no matter what faith or secular tradition you might identify with.  

Fortunately, the holidays are not an either–or proposition. You can enjoy the best aspects of the season in ways that bring joy to everyone—including the ones who experience the excitement through a different lens. The majesty and magic just take a little extra planning. Consider these ways to make the season brighter—in an inclusive way:

  • Do a little stage-managing. If attending or hosting an event, consider spending a little time reviewing the timeline or sequence in advance with a child who has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). That provides a framework for what will be happening and when. You might even want to give the child a cue or heads-up as your event moves from one segment to another. (“We’ll be sitting down for dinner in a few minutes.”). If the child is jazzed about a particular part of the event (opening presents, singing songs, even going home), a countdown can help. 

  • A tree of their own. Or menorah or other holiday-themed symbol. Some children just want to decorate things their own way, even if it changes from year to year. If a child has trouble accepting decoration-by-committee (i.e., siblings and other family members), consider letting the child do their own thing on a separate, smaller version. A mini-tree or mini-menorah in their room, for example. The child can be as creative as they like. Just be careful to protect against mishaps if flames, ladders and other potential safety hazards are involved.  

  • Design-your-own wrapping paper. Set aside a big roll of craft paper and some washable, quick-dry paint; add a creative child or two and let the magic happen by itself. Give the paper time to dry and—voilà!—custom paper to wrap presents from the child to family members, teachers and anyone else. It’s a great way to promote harmless creative play, self-expression and a sense of accomplishment.

  • Easy-open presents. For anyone giving presents to a child with special needs, it’s a good idea to think in terms of easy unwrapping. Because complex packaging can be challenging for someone who has deficits with sensory input or motor skills. That’s not to say the presentation can’t be beautiful. But ask people to use less tape, less hard-to-open bubble packaging, and keep window dressing like ribbons, boxes and bows to a minimum. A simple decorative gift bag is an easy option.

  • Have a Plan B. If the stress of a holiday gathering might be more than a child can manage, bring along some items the child will find comforting. Perhaps a favorite game, snack, toy or clothing item. If it has the power to calm the child down at home, don’t hesitate to deploy it during the holidays.

  • Manage expectations of family members. Behavior that’s perfectly normal in your immediate family may seem like it’s coming out of left field to someone who is unfamiliar with kids who have special needs. So if you’ll be spending holiday time with someone who doesn’t know the child well (an out-of-town relative, for example), a respectful heads-up helps everyone feel more comfortable. This advice works both ways: If Uncle Bob has behavioral quirks of his own, it may be helpful to let your child know, discreetly, what to expect.

  • More accessible Santas: If Santa is part of your tradition, a child with special needs might not react the same way as a more mainstream kid. That’s especially true for kids with ASD and ADHD, as well as those with sensory deficits and development issues. In recent years, the Santa industry has evolved, and many shopping and community venues have developed work-arounds that accommodate kids with special needs. Some places have special hours set aside to help you avoid crowds. Some Santas even make house calls. Contact your go-to local Santa venue—a mall, community center or other traditional location—to explore the options in your area. 

  • Sit strategically. For audience-like settings (think religious services, holiday movies, Nutcracker performances), allow for the possibility that your child with special needs might be ready to leave sooner and with less warning than others. So choose seating that lets you experience the spectacle while still facilitating a hasty exit if necessary: on the aisle, near the back.

 For Hope Haven services that address the unique needs of children with special needs, contact us at 904-346-5100. 

Keeping kids organized

Keeping kids organized 

Being organized is not a talent you’re born with. It’s a mindset that helps people minimize chaos in their lives. It takes effort, even after it becomes second-nature. Many people wish they, or others, could be better organized. While well-organized people don’t automatically sail effortlessly through life, they do seem to have an easier time with the details. They accomplish more, and more efficiently, than their less-organized peers.

For that reason alone, organizational skills are worth cultivating in a child. Especially if the child already has cognitive or physical challenges to contend with. Approaching problems and tasks in an organized way can enrich a child’s life in the short and long terms. Scholastically and at home, even a little mastery of organizational thinking can mean greater confidence, higher-quality work, deeper learning, more productivity, pride and independence—as well as less need to retrace steps, fewer do-overs, less searching for lost stuff and less frustration.

Some children have their own level of tolerance for a messy life. Once that level is reached, they swing into action and clean their room or sort through their backpack without prompting. For them, disorganization can be self-regulating. For others, disorganization might trace back to a specific cause. For example, children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often seem disorganized. So do many people on the autism spectrum. Or the issue might stem from medications, trauma, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety or other causes. 

In some cases, the underlying issue is about executive function (EF), a clinical term that relates to the complexities around planning, goal setting, organized thinking, time management and similar skill sets. Whatever the cause, a child with an EF deficit may have chronic trouble getting and staying organized. 

But be careful. An EF deficit, which can and should be addressed, can look similar to simple irresponsibility or lack of self-discipline. How can you distinguish between the two? Look for recurring patterns like these:

  • Difficulty creating focused narratives (i.e., a story or joke) in a logical sequence

  • Forgetting to bring needed items to or from school—including school-related as well as personal items

  • Neglecting to gather components needed to complete a task

  • Scattering possessions without returning them to their proper place

  • Trouble with multi-tasking

Consider these tips for helping a child develop better organization skills:

  • Keep it manageable. Reduce larger goals into bite-sized pieces, so the child doesn’t feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of new habits they’re trying to learn. Checklists and deadlines can help with this.

  • Pay attention to sequencing. Sometimes, staying organized is about the order you do things—not just the individual sub-tasks.

  • Model the right behavior. Show by example how to break tasks into a series of organized behaviors. And talk it through while you’re doing it. As an example, think about the separate tasks involved in unloading groceries: carrying the bags inside, locking the empty vehicle, separating items for the freezer, refrigerator or pantry, closing doors when you’re finished, etc. 

  • Be consistent. If you focus on correcting a particular pattern or behavior on Monday, don’t let it slide on Wednesday. And be just as consistent when praising a child for demonstrating new organized behaviors.

  • Be supportive. The child is not the problem. The disorganized behavior is. Explain the benefits of a more organized life in terms the child relates to. Try to build small goal-oriented victories into your plan; celebrate those so the child can experience incremental successes.

  • Enlist help from teachers and family members. Children learn more effectively when they experience the same messaging about organization at home and at school.

If you’re concerned about a child’s lack of organization, Hope Haven can help with testing that can identify the cause(s) and treatment options. To learn more or schedule a virtual or in-person visit, call us at (904) 346-5100.

Different, not different

Different, not different 

Kids are born empathetic. They’re hard-wired to relate to another person’s experience—and to notice similarities and differences in a nanosecond. They’re also born without filters. They need to be taught how, why and when to regulate their behavior in non-hurtful ways. Add a physical, emotional or developmental difference to the mix, and things can get complicated. 

How does a child who’s outside the norm navigate the experience of being different? And how does a child who’s more mainstream navigate the experience of having a friend who’s different?

The simplest and broadest answer relates to empathy: walking in the other person’s shoes, seeing things from the other person’s perspective. It’s a subset of the golden rule, really. How would you feel if it happened to you? If you’re a mainstream person, an empathetic mindset helps you focus on being the best possible ally to a person with special needs. And that’s a great goal to have. 

Consider these strategies for understanding the needs of kids who are different:

  • See the bigger picture. We all have challenges to overcome; that’s part of life. People with physical or mental differences aren’t defined by their limitations. They have hopes, dreams, strengths and weaknesses, just like anybody else. Focus on those qualities, on the things they have in common with you, not the ways they differ from you.

  • Acknowledge and move on. You don’t have to avert your eyes or avoid someone with challenges. If someone’s differences make you feel awkward (perfectly understandable), don’t try to soothe your discomfort by commenting or joking about it. Like everyone else, people with disabilities just want to be acknowledged.

  • Be helpful. Someone who uses a wheelchair relates best to you if you can position yourself at the same eye level. You would too. Similarly, someone with a stutter doesn’t need to have it pointed out when they get stuck. Wait patiently without prompting, suggesting or commenting.

  • Respect people’s independence. We all value our ability to manage on our own. No matter how noble your intention, don’t assume someone with an impairment needs or wants your help. They may, but it’s better to ask first. It’s not an insult if they decline the offer.

  • Invite the person to join you in social situations. People with differences may or may not feel excluded. If someone is sitting alone in the cafeteria (a classic example), invite them to join you. Or ask if you can sit with them. Give them the option. Maybe they’re waiting for someone else. Again, if they decline, be OK with that—without seeking an explanation. You’re an ally just for asking.

  • Speak to the person, not about them. In social settings, avoid pointing, staring or treating someone as if they’re not there—even inadvertently. Include them. We all like to feel recognized; nobody wants to feel like an oddity. 

  • Be respectfully curious, but not intrusive. If a person wants to talk more about their challenges, they’ll invite that conversation. Take your cue from them. If they do, feel free to be inquisitive. But it’s disrespectful to ask someone, unprompted, for details about their medical condition. 

  • Give a heads-up. Try not to startle people who have sensory impairments. For someone who’s visually challenged, speak as you approach; if the person is hearing-impaired, let them see you before you initiate a conversation. 

  • Avoid touching the equipment. Think of assistive technology as an extension of a person’s body. Someone who depends on a device—a walker or wheelchair, an audio or visual aid, for example—may be sensitive about the equipment that helps them get through the day. Respect that preference and avoid touching or moving a device unless the person asks specifically. 

We’re all different and we deserve to have those differences respected. When interacting with a person who has physical or emotional challenges, switch places with them in your imagination. To be an ally, let empathy guide your behavior. You may find you have more in common that you realize. Because people just want to fit in.

Employment options for young adults with special needs

Employment options for young adults with special needs

Transitioning from adolescence to adulthood is no easy task for anyone. But for young adults who have special needs, it’s even more challenging. The good news: There are formal systems and programs in place to help students with special needs figure out next steps and access resources after high school. These systems can make the difference between living with special needs and thriving despite them.

If your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), they’re entitled to a formal, methodical process called transition planning. The process helps a student determine which course to follow as they seek an independent, financially self-sufficient life, or the closest possible alternative. 

Under the Individuals with Disabilities and Education Act (IDEA), schools are required to begin transition planning by the time the student reaches age 16. The planning includes input from school administrators, parents/guardians and outside professionals (such as counselors, employment specialists and others). To the greatest possible extent, transition planning is an effort led by the students themselves.  

The transition plan typically focuses on the longer-term postsecondary goals (life after high school) as well as the services that will be needed to help the student accomplish their transition. 

Postsecondary goals

Four areas of postsecondary goals are addressed as part of the transition plan, including:

  • Independent living, along with any assistive technologies required

  • Vocational training, including instruction needed to learn a trade

  •  Postsecondary education, such as undergraduate and advanced college degrees in the student’s chosen academic field

  • Employment, including the process of securing and maintaining a permanent full-time job

The transition team members work for and with the student to develop specific, customized and realistic goals in these areas. To be included in the transition plan, the postsecondary goals must be more than aspirational (“When I graduate, I want to help people.”). Instead, they should meet the criteria often seen in business management; they should be SMART goals, that is: specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented and time-bound.

Transition goals

A separate set of goals spells out the available services the person will rely on as they pursue these established postsecondary goals. The needed services will be as highly personalized as other elements of the plan, and they fall into discrete categories, including:

  • Instruction, which includes any continuing formal education and training after graduation

  • Community experiences, including participation in volunteer and similar activities to help the person establish a permanent place as a member of the local community

  •  College and career counseling, providing ongoing specific guidance to help the person pursue their educational goals efficiently.

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL), including any ongoing help, if needed, with bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence and feeding.

Over time, the person’s goals will evolve, and so will the transition-related resources needed to help them. For this reason, the transition team should revisit the plan periodically to ensure alignment of goals with real life.

By establishing a formal process for transitioning to adulthood after high school, this system helps ensure that students with different needs get a chance to live a life of independence and fulfillment. It levels the playing field and serves as a dependable ongoing resource. For more about the extensive employment and transition services available at Hope Haven, or to arrange a tour, call us at 904-346-5100.

Minimizing the impact of divorce

Minimizing the impact of divorce

If two adult partners with children decide to break up, one of their greatest challenges will be to anticipate and solve for how the split affects their children. In the easiest of circumstances, it’s a complicated situation, and it’s magnified if one or more of the children have special medical, psychological or emotional needs and challenges.

Even more than mainstream children, most with special needs depend on an environment that’s stable and predictable. Many will be resistant to change and have a difficult time processing the issues each family member faces. And like their mainstream peers, children with special needs may contend with feelings that they caused the breakup or could have prevented it.

All of which is to say that children with special needs are affected by divorce in unique ways, and divorcing parents should keep those issues front-and-center as they move through the process. As you navigate the logistics and emotional minefields of breaking up, keep these considerations in mind to help minimize the impact on children with special needs:

Emotional considerations

  • If at all possible, find a way to tell them about the divorce together, in a unified and loving way.

  • Stay focused on how the divorce will affect them emotionally and logistically—not how it affects the parents.

  • Points to emphasize: that they are and will remain unconditionally loved, accepted and protected; that they're in no way responsible or at fault for the breakup. Repeat as often as needed.

  • Make every effort to exert self-control. Despite the difficult subject matter, remember that anger, recriminations and threats will be counterproductive and impair their ability to cope. 

  • Before, during and after the actual divorce, give them wide latitude to process the information, as well as their feelings about it, in their own way.

Legal considerations

  • Be prepared to formalize the different kinds of custody each parent will have, as well as the extent to which each kind of custody is shared. In a divorce situation, custody is often defined in physical, medical, legal and educational terms.

  • When children with special needs are involved, one of the most significant divorce triggers can be that the parents are not able to share the work of parenting equally. If this is the case, consider a stipulation that gives the custodial parent exclusive authority over medical and educational decisions. This can work to the advantage of all parties involved.

  • Decide together how much access the non-custodial parent will have. These details, once they’re agreed to, will impact the children’s day-to-day life, as well as life for the parents and any siblings. Expect to negotiate these terms carefully.

  • Be sure to factor in the transition to adulthood, regardless of their current age and/or prospect of living independently. By planning for these issues at the outset, you’ll have a clearer roadmap as they mature.

Financial considerations

  • If the parents’ incomes differ significantly, both parents should account for the disparity when establishing levels of both alimony and child support.

  • Children with special needs may qualify for government benefits. Depending on the diagnosis, these benefits may end when they reach age 18, or the benefits could last throughout their lives. These benefits, if available, should be part of the couple’s financial calculus.

  • Some parents choose to create a Special Needs Trust and/or a life insurance policy (often payable to the trust) as a way to ensure continuity of income.

  • Consider including “incidental” childhood expenses—like clothes, school supplies, extracurricular activities and even summer camp—in any financial negotiations.

  • If applicable, consider including college expenses beyond tuition, (i.e., living expenses, books and any special accommodations that will be required if and when children with special needs pursue post-secondary education).

For help navigating the divorce process in ways that keep children’s needs out front, including family-based parenting classesafter-school programs and more, contact us at 904-346-5100.



This last post on assistive technology (AT) leans a little toward low-tech: These items are for people of all ages, experiencing all kinds of challenges, who just need a little help accomplishing everyday tasks. Whether a person lives at home with family, on their own, or even at an official assisted living facility, these useful items illustrate how designers can spark lifestyle improvements simply by re-thinking product design. The result: effective solutions for people with unique needs.

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Stander Handybar

Helps people with mobility challenges enter and exit a vehicle more easily and safely. Provides balance support for greater independence.

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E-Z Key Turner

For someone with limited hand movement, just turning a key to open a door can cause pain. This simple hand-held device solves the problem for many users.

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Stander BedCaddie

This simple device, similar to rubber exercise bands, makes it easier to sit up in bed or even stand up from a sitting position. Attaches to the foot of a bed and features a 3-step ladder system, designed to help people improve mobility and independence.

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Cut-resistant glove

For people who love to cook but have fine motor control issues in their hands, this glove provides an extra measure of protection when chopping, slicing or using any sharp hand-held object. Available for large (shown) or small hands.



For help holding onto objects in a variety of shapes, this simple device does exactly what the name suggests. Available in grey (shown) or green.

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Classic Weighted Bendable Utensil set

Makes the simple act of dining easier and more enjoyable by accommodating people who need specially designed utensils that are easy to hold and manipulate. 


Talking Measuring Cup

For people who refuse to let visual impairment keep them from whipping up delicious meals, this device tells the user when the contents reach the desired level. 

Our large inventory of AT devices helps people with special needs get along more successfully in the world. It’s like a lending library, where you check out the equipment you need, then return it when you’re finished so someone else can use it. 

Because our AT program operates through Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST), the equipment is available for use by any member of the disabled community—not just students associated with Hope Haven.

All equipment is thoroughly cleaned, inspected and disinfected before and after each use. 

To learn more, including an updated inventory, schedule an Assistive Technology Consultation. Or contact our FAAST program coordinator directly at 904-346-5100, ext. 336.

Assistive Technology for Educational Sensory

Assistive Technology for Educational Sensory 

Our Educational Sensory Assistive Technology (AT) aids help people learn about the environment surrounding them, either in a home or educational setting. Many items also help the user strengthen their motor skills, feel more relaxed and experience tactile sensations that might be unfamiliar.

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Giant Touch Trainer

Provides a rich variety of color-coded textures, so a person with visual and/or tactile challenges can get a feel for the physical characteristics of different surfaces they’ll encounter in the environment.



Used by occupational therapists, the brightly colored tactile substances give people a chance to compare differing resistance and firmness levels. Helps users develop fine motor skills while they engage in a variety of play activities.

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Sensory tubes

A variety of shapes and sizes provides lots of opportunities for visual and tactile stimulation and relaxation. Users learn about recognizable objects and the environment around them. Each tube, safely sealed in a transparent container, can be manipulated endlessly for self-paced learning.

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Activity triangle

Contains a trove of multi-textured play objects, so users get exposed to various shapes, sizes and textures in their activity routines. Helps develop motor skills while it encourages healthy play and movement.

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Full-page color reading guides

Durable color overlays help people with visual and perception issues read more easily. Available in a variety of colors, they come with 3-hole punch for use in binders. Especially useful for those with dyslexia. Colors include orange, blue, green, yellow and even pink (shown).

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Writing grips

These simple devices help users with arthritis and coordination challenges hold a pen or pencil more securely while learning how to write.

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Weighted blankets and garments

These items provide physical and emotional comfort while helping the user relax and feel safe. 

These visual and auditory aids are part of Hope Haven’s inventory of AT devices that help people with special needs get along more successfully in the world. It’s like a lending library, where you check out the equipment you need, then return it when you’re finished so someone else can use it. 

Because our AT program operates through Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST), the equipment is available for use by any member of the disabled community—not just students associated with Hope Haven.

All equipment is thoroughly cleaned, inspected and disinfected before and after each use. 

To learn more, including an updated inventory, schedule an Assistive Technology consultation. Or contact our FAAST program coordinator directly at 904-346-5100, ext. 336.

Assistive Technology for Vision and Hearing


In this installment, we focus on assistive technology (AT) equipment available to help students see and hear better. Both kinds of technology can make a significant difference in a child’s confidence and academic performance; beyond a scholastic context, many of these devices can add to the person’s quality of life at home, among friends and in many other scenarios.

Visual Assistive Technologies

Our collection of visual aids can fill in much of the information that’s missing or hard to process when a user faces visual challenges.

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VISTAC Color Identifier

“Reads” and identifies the colors of text, objects, photos and other stimuli for people with partial or total color-blindness. 



Scans printed text and converts it to speech. The device is portable, pocket-sized and easy-to-use. It’s particularly useful for students and others with any degree of dyslexia.

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OrCam MyEye2

Wearable device that reads print and digital text out loud for people with visual and reading-related impairments.

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Bright Switch

Helps users with visual impairment locate device switches; produces bright flashing light, vibration and even sounds to guide the person’s attention to the switch they need to find.

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Kapten Plus Voice-activated GPS navigator

Helps independent users get around with Global Positioning System (GPS). Instead of visual cues found on ordinary GPS devices, the Kapten Plus provides an auditory signal as a guide. Especially useful for visually impaired people on-the-go, whether they need to get across town or across the globe on their own.

Hearing Assistive Technologies

Many of the AT devices available for hearing-impaired people are designed with the same intent as the devices for those with visual impairments: Either to beef up the original input (for those with limited capabilities) or convert the input into a more workable form (for those who need to process information through a different sensory system entirely). Some of our inventory makes sounds louder. Other devices convert sound into a medium the student can process more easily.

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ChatterVox Headset Micro

Amplifies speech and other sounds and delivers it to the user via a wearable headset.

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B-Calm Audio Sedation System

Provides a wide range of soothing soundtracks specifically designed to help people with autism cope with disruptions and other disturbances. Helps the user stay focused and relaxed. 

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Central Alert System

Notifies hearing-impaired users whenever there’s a home alarm or other sound-based notification. Includes bright light, bed shaker, doorbell, phone and other modes. 

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Sonic Signaler

Lets hearing-impaired users know instantly whenever it detects a doorbell or incoming phone call.

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Pocket Talker Ultra

Helps users focus on sounds closest to them (like a conversation) while reducing background noises and other auditory distractions.

These visual and auditory aids are part of Hope Haven’s inventory of AT devices that help people with special needs get along more successfully in the world. It’s like a lending library, where you check out the equipment you need, then return it when you’re finished so someone else can use it.  

Because our AT program operates through Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST), the equipment is available for use by any member of the disabled community—not just students associated with Hope Haven.

All equipment is thoroughly cleaned, inspected and disinfected before and after each use.  

To learn more, including an updated inventory, schedule a consultation. Or contact our FAAST program coordinator directly at 904-346-5100, ext. 336.

Assistive technology for computers

Assistive technology for computers

In this segment of our Assistive Technology (AT) series, we focus on devices that make it easier for people with challenges to interact with computers. 

Most computers already have powerful AT capabilities built into their operating systems. Whether you’re using a desktop or mobile device, running on an Apple-based or Windows-based system, you can find a wide range of accommodations pre-loaded, waiting for you to toggle them on. Access them via System Preferences on an Apple device, or Control Center on Windows. These built-in settings can:

  • execute commands via speech (Siri in Apple, Cortana in Windows)

  • convert speech to text and text to speech

  • enlarge and shrink screen contents

  • toggle closed captioning on and off

  • control pointers and switches

We also have an impressive array of devices that connect with computers via cable or Bluetooth to make life easier for people with sensory and motor challenges. These include:

A variety of trackballs and joysticks that function as input devices

A variety of trackballs and joysticks that function as input devices

Customized keyboards, including light-up and one-handed models and even a keyless click-wheel version

Customized keyboards, including light-up and one-handed models and even a keyless click-wheel version

(L-R) Senso dot switches that vibrate when pressed; Styluses that work with a track pads; orbiTouch is used by people who have arm or hand prostheses, or limited hand and finger use

(L-R) Senso dot switches that vibrate when pressed; Styluses that work with a track pads; orbiTouch is used by people who have arm or hand prostheses, or limited hand and finger use

We also have standalone magnification software programs, USB external microphones and a variety of hardware for mounting computers and screens.

These are part of Hope Haven’s inventory of the AT devices that help people with special needs get along more successfully in the world. Like a lending library, you check out the equipment you need, then return it when you’re finished so someone else can use it.

Because our AT program operates through Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST), the equipment is available for use by any member of the disabled community—not just students associated with Hope Haven.

All equipment is thoroughly cleaned, inspected and disinfected before and after each use.

For more information, including an updated inventory, schedule an Assistive Technology Consultation. Or contact FAAST Program Coordinator Arien Peppers directly at 904-346-5100, ext. 336.

Assistive technology for communications

Assistive technology for communications

This is the second post in our assistive technology (AT) series. In this segment, we focus on devices that help individuals communicate with the world around them. 

Like the needs they help meet, communication-related AT covers a wide territory. From simple low-tech gadgets to complex life-altering machines, AT helps send and receive communications verbally and electronically, enabling people to process information that’s both outgoing (like speaking) and incoming (like hearing). And it helps focus on the message itself, instead of stressing about the mechanics of transmitting it.

From an age perspective, communication devices are geared for toddlers, adults and seniors with special needs—all of whom may have their own communication challenges. What they have in common is a simple need for an assist as they interact with others. 

Here’s a sampling of items in our inventory. Availability changes daily as items are checked in and out. 

Twin Talk: Helps a user say yes or no (or any other customized binary message) with the touch of a button. Perfect for speech-challenged users as an entry-level technology solution.

Pererro ISO switch: Helps users navigate Apple iOS devices like iPad, iPhone and others through voice commands using advanced interface technology. Supports email, text messaging, web browsing and other functions.

Treadle switch: Lets a user control connected devices using a foot pedal, without use of hands.

Our vast inventory of assistive technology devices also includes message communicators, ISO, bright, finger and Bluetooth switches, talking mats and wearable talkers, glitter switches and others that help individuals with special needs get along more successfully in the world. 

Because our AT program operates through Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST), the equipment is available for use by any member of the community—not just students associated with Hope Haven.

All equipment is thoroughly cleaned, inspected and disinfected before and after each use. To learn more, including an updated inventory, schedule an Assistive Technology Consultation. Or  email FAAST Program Coordinator Arien Peppers, or call 904-346-5100, ext. 336.

Devices shown, left to right: Twin Talk, Pererro ISO switch, and Treadle switch.

Devices shown, left to right: Twin Talk, Pererro ISO switch, and Treadle switch.

Finding a camp that’s right for your child


With warm weather and the end of another school term approaching, most families with children start thinking of summer camp. The choices are many and varied, and for kids with special needs, the search for the right camp may require extra attention.

Here are some of the benefits from enrolling your child in a day camp:

·       Friendships: Kids bond in all sorts of ways during structured activities and challenges. 

·       Independence: They can practice taking responsibility for some of the activities of daily living without totally having to fend for themselves. This learning can be cemented when they return home at the end of the day. 

·       Social skills: Kids develop stronger social skills simply because counselors and other campers are part of that universe. Day camp helps a child develop social skills in smaller doses than the more immersive experience of a sleep-away camp. Choose an option that challenges your child’s development and fosters growth in doses that are comfortable for them.

While the concept of mainstreaming offers benefits for children, in practice it’s not for everyone. Some children with special needs thrive in environments where they’re integrated with the full range of similar-age kids. Others do better in environments where the whole population shares similar challenges. The most important factors to consider are the capabilities and needs of your particular child.

·       Diversity and similarity: Some children prefer bonding with others who face the same challenges. Others respond better when they’re surrounded by kids who are different in as many respects as possible. Choose a camp that mirrors your child’s comfort level—or one that mirrors your realistic aspirations for them. 

·       Skills: Like school, camp is a learning experience. As children learn new social, physical or intellectual skills, a feeling of pride and accomplishment will result. If your child’s challenges are limiting, choose a camp that’s customized for kids with similar challenges. Otherwise, a more mainstream camp may encourage your child to develop a different range of skills.

·       Self-esteem: If one of your goals for your child is to bolster confidence and self-esteem, summer camp can help. Just navigating the new routines of daily life can boost self-reliance and self-esteem. 

Need help deciding? The academic year will be over before you know it, and the time to make decisions about summer camp for your child is now. To learn about Camp Hope, schedule a tour or call us at 904-346-5100.


Make friends with assistive technology

For some people, assistive technology (AT) is basically a convenience—like the apps that let you control your thermostat or play a particular song by voice command. For those with special needs, AT is much more. It can dramatically improve independence, confidence, productivity and quality of life. And that’s especially important for children and youth who might need a little extra help in school.

AT can include digital programs and apps that convert speech to text and back again. A subset of AT is adaptive technology, which helps people living with disabilities derive the most benefit from services they receive. AT can also include tangible devices, which may be as simple as a rubber grip to help a student hold a pencil—or as futuristic as an experimental exoskeleton that helps people with a degenerative disease, like muscular dystrophy, to walk upright.

At Hope Haven we have a large catalog of amazing AT equipment available for students and the Jacksonville community to use—rent free. The catalog is classified into these broad categories:

  • Communications

  • Computers/devices

  • Hearing

  • Vision

  • Sensory

  • Assisted living

The inventory changes frequently as people check out and return equipment. All equipment is thoroughly disinfected before and after assignment to a particular user. 

Hope Haven is home to the Northeast Regional Demonstration Center of the Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST), which promotes awareness of, access to, and advocacy for Florida’s disability community. In the months ahead, you’ll see blog posts that describe each of the categories of AT in more detail. To learn more about the program, visit the AT page on our website. You can also watch a video that illustrates AT in action.

If you know a student who could benefit from our AT program, you’re encouraged to schedule an assistive technology consultation. Or you’re welcome to contact FAAST program coordinator, Arien Peppers or call 904-346-5100, ext. 336.  

Surviving holiday disruptions

It’s an annual conundrum: The same year-end holiday season that promises joy and peace also promises disruptions and uncertainty. That’s especially true for anyone—particularly children. And even more so in 2020, with its triple-whammy anxieties (pandemic, economic and political). For kids with special needs, the already extreme highs and lows this year will be amplified.

But you can take steps to moderate the downside and squeeze as much holiday joy as possible from the season. If there’s one imperative at this point, it’s this: Do as much planning as you possibly can, and be prepared to roll with the punches when life upends your plans. More concretely, here are some tips that can help you and your family enjoy the holiday magic while preventing, minimizing and managing as much of the seasonal downside as possible. 

  • Promote calm, reduce stress: As you schedule your days, build in plenty of time for family members with special needs to vent any excess tension. Set aside some alone time; give your undivided attention. Create calm physical environments within your home (lower lighting, muted colors, comfy furniture), so family members with special needs can retreat and feel safe if they’re feeling overwhelmed.

  • Be a taskmaster: If you’re hosting an event, work out a schedule and task list for each child in your house (special needs or not). Who’s arriving when? Where should the child be standing and how can they be most helpful? When should they start clearing the table? Explain each assignment in detail, so everyone knows what’s expected and when. Promote teamwork. Checklists can help.

  • Create a calendar that spells out what holiday-related activities are coming up. Review it with everyone as each event approaches. A schedule helps dispel fear of the unknown, boosts excitement and helps kids stay engaged and focused as the holiday season unfolds.

  • Delegate: You’ll likely have family and friends eager to help with the festivities. Take them up on it, and be as specific as you can. Let them help you run errands, clean up, watch the kids, prep meals, keep track of coats. If someone with special needs can help you accomplish a task, involve them in the process. It’s a team effort. The more specific you can be with instructions, the more successful each volunteer will be.

  • Manage to predictability: Kids with special needs appreciate predictability, a lack of surprises. And during the holiday season, when everyone’s routine is on hold for awhile, predictability is in short supply. Everything is different until January. Stick to as many norms as possible—like mealtimes, bedtimes, bathing and routine chores. As a general rule, anything you can do to make life more predictable will be a good thing. And that applies to everyone in your family, regardless of their needs.

  • Practice the rituals: A child with special needs may not remember what it’s like to put up a tree, decorate a home or any other holiday-themed rituals that make the season bright. Before the season starts, review some photos from last year. Or try wrapping a few items just to get a feel for the materials and process. Light a few holiday candles and play some holiday music. By making the unfamiliar less threatening, you help the person reduce their stress.

  • Prepare visitors: If there’s a person with special needs in your home, advocate for them. Let visitors know in advance what steps you’re taking to accommodate the person, what visitors can expect—especially if the visitors’ experience with special needs might be limited. This conversation should feel more like a heads-up than a laundry list of dos and don’ts. It’s especially useful with other children who might have questions about any underlying conditions and special needs. Encourage their curiosity with respectful answers.

  • Travel with an activity bag: Travel can feel threatening and stressful for some people. Whether you’ll be out for an afternoon or a week, fill it with items that a person with special needs finds comforting. Favorite clothing, bedding, entertainment, games, toys, books. These can help the person focus their attention and regain their sense of equilibrium in unfamiliar surroundings.

  • Who’s who: It’s a time for reconnecting with people you haven’t seen all year (especially this year, with its social distancing). For kids with or without special needs, it can be stressful to remember who’s who. Take a little time to review who’ll be visiting this season—or who you’ll be visiting, if you travel. It gives the child added social confidence to face the season’s uncertainty.

Here’s hoping you and your family have a joyous year-end holiday season. If nothing else, it’s a safe bet the holidays of 2020 will be unlike any you’ve ever experienced before. For more about our programs for individuals with special needs, or to arrange a tour, contact us at 904.346.5100.


Choosing a tutor

Choosing a tutor

The right tutor, matched with the right child at the right time, can improve any student’s grasp of challenging educational material. Success stories abound. But tutors, like educators in general, can vary widely in their approach and skill sets. 

Finding the right one is critical, especially if the student has physical or cognitive impairments. Students with special needs currently comprise about one-eighth of all students in the U.S., and the qualities these students require of a tutor can be a little different from qualities that mainstream students need. 

So how do you find the right tutor to provide the academic help your child needs? Ideally, the candidates you interview should have a combination of three broad attributes: experience, credentials, and flexibility. That’s a lot to ask, but the rewards are worth the upfront effort. You’ll see it in the child’s face when there’s an “aha” moment.

Consider these strategies for finding and engaging with the right tutor for your child: 

Experience: Your child’s tutor should have experience in real-world settings––and especially experience that matches your child’s needs as closely as possible. That translates to experience as a tutor (not only in a classroom setting); experience teaching the subject matter your child needs help with; experience working one-on-one with students who have special needs.

Credentials: First, the tutor should have a thorough working knowledge about the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as any state and local educational protections for students with special needs. If your child depends on assistive technology, the tutor needs to be comfortable with its use.

Flexibility: Kids are nothing if not unpredictable. The ability to adapt on short notice is key for any educator, and it’s doubly important for a tutor operating outside the confines of a classroom. The tutor will have to meet your child where they are in terms of any behavioral issues, cognitive abilities, physical impairments and tolerance for the unfamiliar. If any of your child’s challenges are listed in their IEP or 504 Plan, share that information if you’re comfortable doing so. Ask specifically how the tutor deals with disruptions, especially those that are most likely to occur with your child. Ideally, you want someone who is light on their feet, comfortable switching strategies seamlessly and prepared to roll with the punches. At the same time, you also want to screen for someone who creates a positive, nurturing learning environment. 

Hope Haven offers a variety of tutoring options for students in all age groups. To learn more about our tutoring program, or to arrange a personalized tour of Hope Haven, call us at (904) 346-5100.

Choosing the right school for your child

Choosing the right school for your child

At some point, every parent faces the same high-stakes decision: which school is best for my child? Parents who have a child with special needs approach that process in a way that’s fundamentally different from parents of mainstream kids. If you have both, you’ve probably experienced that difference. 

For mainstream schools, the most important selling points include academic achievement, often measured by test scores; what extracurricular activities are available for students to excel in; and, in the upper grades, the track record for admission to high-ranking colleges and universities. 

For school aiding those with special needs, the criteria for comparison include more granular considerations. The search criteria is generally more about the process of education and less about the results after the child graduates. 

And in 2020, there’s an all-new factor to evaluate: the coronavirus pandemic. For many parents today, a school’s strategies for managing coronavirus risk top the list of priorities. Questions surrounding it might include: What metrics guide the school’s decision to open or close? What safety measures are deployed—and at what frequency—to protect students, teachers and staff? How well and reliably does the school communicate with parents and students on health issues? What protocols are followed when a student or school employee tests positive? 

Beyond that, there’s a list of considerations when shopping for a school that’s right for your child. Though you’ll want to give each feature its own weight, reflecting your child’s needs, consider factoring these topics into your decision:

  • Vibe: Engage your instincts on your first visit. What’s your reaction when you approach the building? Does it look/feel inviting? Is it well-tended? Once inside, are the facilities properly maintained? Do the people you encounter seem friendly, helpful, welcoming? Similarly, what vibe do you get when you observe the students? The teachers? Do they seem engaged and focused? 

  • Staff responsiveness: How hard is it to reach a decision-maker when you call with a question or concern? What’s their attitude when you made a reasonable request? How much of a priority do they place on addressing parents’ issues?

  • Decision-makers: Do you have reasonable access to the top administrators? Do they seem like a coordinated team, eager to work with you to resolve any issues involving your child? Do they give you their full attention?

  • Food: Would your child be eating meals in a cafeteria setting? In a classroom? Does it feel welcoming?

  • Healthcare: Is there a nurse or other medical professional on-site? Are they fully trained in pediatric care? What does the medical office look like? What are their contingency plans if a student needs to visit a hospital or urgent care center?

  • Assistive technology: If your child requires it, what equipment is available? Is it properly maintained? What equipment would your child be bringing to school? 

  • Therapy: If your child requires speech/language, occupational, physical or other therapy, does the school provide access to appropriate professionals? Are they fully licensed? Would your child feel comfortable working with them? Would you have access to them if you had questions or concerns?

Discovery School at Hope Haven is open to children between the ages of 3 and 8, with scholarships and afterschool programs available. If you’re considering educational resources for a child, we invite you to come for a tour. To learn more or schedule your visit, call 904.346.5100.

Your child's IEP or 504 plan in the time of COVID-19 

Your child's IEP or 504 plan in the time of COVID-19 

Classroom parties, graduation, award ceremonies and Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings are typically signs that the school year has ended, but this year has been very different. Instead, our kids had Zoom meetings, work packets, quarantine and face masks to deal with as their new normal. School districts, teachers, parents and students have all had to adapt to different ways of “doing school." But what does that mean for our kids with learning differences? Especially for those who need additional support, specialized teaching, therapies, and more.  

If you have a child with an IEP or a 504 plan, how do you navigate this new normal? Do you feel that your child’s needs are being met and that your voice is being heard? 

An (IEP) is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law, and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution, receives specialized instruction and related services.

The 504 Plan has been developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law, and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution, receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment.

Subtle but important differences

Not all students who have disabilities require specialized instruction. For students with disabilities who do require specialized instruction, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) controls the procedural requirements, and an IEP is developed. The IDEA process is more involved than that of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and requires documentation of measurable growth. For students with disabilities who do not require specialized instruction, but need the assurance that they’ll receive equal access to public education and services, a document is created to outline their specific accessibility requirements. Students with 504 Plans do not require specialized instruction, but, like the IEP, a 504 Plan should be updated every year to ensure the student is getting the most effective accommodations for his/her specific circumstances.

Hope Haven’s Center for Educational Advocacy can help by reviewing your child’s current plan and assisting with requesting changes that may be needed. If you suspect your child may have unique learning needs, we can help get necessary evaluations to determine if your child qualifies for services or accommodations in school. 

A free 30-minute phone consultation is available to all families, and grant funding is available to qualified families for advocacy services, if needed. Call us at 904.346.5100, or find out more and schedule your consultation today at

Benefits of having an advocate

Benefits of having an advocate

No one knows your child better than you do. You’re the authority. But when it comes to making sure your child gets the educational resources they need to succeed in school, that may be a job you might need a little help with. 

The formal process of advocating with a school district on behalf of a child with or without special needs is complicated. By design, the participants are pursuing separate agendas that, despite everyone’s best efforts, don’t always align. You’re an expert on the child; they’re experts on the system. 

You don’t have to go it alone. A designated advocate can help ensure that your views will get heard, that your child’s needs will get addressed, and that your child will have access to the resources they’re entitled to. Here are some ways an advocate can help you negotiate with local school administrators:

  • Keeping focused: Teaming up with an advocate lets you stay focused on the subject you know best—your child. The advocate is trained to stay focused on the resources available to help your child succeed. Where you have an emotional investment in the child’s success, the advocate can negotiate dispassionately. Together you can support your child’s education more effectively than you could on your own.

  • Speaking the language: Every industry, including education administration, has jargon. To a parent, it might be intimidating. To an advocate, it’s just shop talk. Advocates speak the same language as administrators and can brief you fully on what’s being said, and what your child’s test results actually mean. So you can make more informed data-based decisions.

  • Pushing back against "No": When a request is denied, it’s often couched in terms of what the school district can or can’t do. It’s tempting to accept that explanation without question. An advocate has a better understanding of the competing pressures facing administrators. Maybe “No” really means “We’d prefer not to.” Or "We’ve never done it that way." An advocate can argue more compellingly why administrators should re-evaluate their priorities and get to a "Yes."

  • Filling gaps by raising awareness: Students’ needs don’t always get addressed properly. Usually the behaviors that signal those gaps simply escape the school’s notice. Like a dip in test scores or a slight but revealing shift in behavior. An advocate can get administrators to notice patterns they might otherwise be missing, so appropriate resources can be allocated to get your child back on track. 

  • IEP review: An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is like a sales contract. It spells out exactly what you can expect the district to do under specific conditions. If it’s not included in the IEP, the school is under no obligation to provide it. An advocate can review your school’s proposed IEP for possible omissions and negotiate any needed revisions. IEPs can be reviewed as often as needed.

  • Meaningful goals: Your child’s IEP is all about goals, because that’s how your child’s progress is measured. Those goals should be reviewed and adjusted at least annually, based on objective performance measures. Parents play a crucial role in goal-setting. An advocate can help you sort through your child’s existing goals and progress metrics, and strengthen your position when it’s time to set new ones. 

Our advocates know the ins and outs of educational policy and the legal structure that determines how resources are allocated. For a free 30-minute consultation, help getting the school-based resources your child is entitled to, or to schedule a tour, contact our Center for Educational Advocacy or call 1-904-346-5100.

Communication skills for kids with special needs

Communication skills for kids with special needs

Not all kids develop language and other communication techniques at the same time or the same rate. Some may face barriers related to learning or processing information, others might need extra help with the motor skills to produce the actions of communicating. Still others face sensory challenges.

For a child in school, it’s hard enough just learning how to fit in without the added burden of a communication deficit. As an adult in that child’s life, you can help them develop stronger communication skills. Think of it as a form of exercise, with you in the role of coach. To get in touch with your inner Anne Sullivan (the teacher credited with helping Helen Keller learn to communicate), try these strategies:

  • Ask what they think. Make a habit of asking the child’s opinion throughout the day––on minor decisions you make together, on dinner plans, on mundane experiences you share. Added bonus: try not to reveal your opinion first, so the child won’t feel the need to agree. Instead, make a neutral observation and ask. “I’m not sure what to make of that—what do you think?” 

  • Converse more. Talk about the weather, about what you’re cooking together, where you’re headed in the car or while watching TV. Model new words and concepts and encourage the child to respond. To avoid one-word answers, ask open-ended questions.

  • Do some honest role-play scenarios. Just for fun, take turns donning the identity of another person—a teacher, a friend, even a hypothetical stranger—as long as it relates to the child’s real-world experience. Role-playing gives you insights into the child’s attitude toward people and events, and a chance to rehearse ways of expressing thoughts and emotions risk-free.

  • Read with, not to. Whether you’re reading a novel or a newspaper together, it’s a perfect opportunity to engage with a child. But instead of soaking up words as you might when reading by yourself, pause frequently and ask for reactions––discuss or take turns reading out loud. 

  • Reflect what you learn. By re-stating and expanding on what the child tells you, you can model a practical skill for any conversationalist. This technique helps establish if your inferences are correct, and it demonstrates how the child can use it in their own conversations at school.

  • Review the day. Ask the child how their day is going, along with detail-seeking follow-up questions. Not as an interrogator but more as a genuinely interested party with a sincere desire to know. Show plenty of empathy. Your goal is to draw the child out, encourage them to express themself. These conversations lend themselves to sharing, so tell the child about your own day, too—in a way that encourages lots of back-and-forth.

  • Explain body language. Some kids, especially on the spectrum, have trouble understanding and using the nonverbal cues that others seem to know instinctively. So walk them through the meaning whenever you can. There’s nothing patronizing about saying “I have my arms folded like this because I didn’t agree with what you said.” Since most of us learn body language by example and context, a full explanation of a gesture’s intended meaning may feel odd to you at first. But it can be helpful for the child. Encourage them to practice.

Communication is all about engagement, especially with kids working through issues that get in the way. By providing constant opportunities to practice the skills of communicating, whether they’re physical, cognitive or both, you can do a tremendous service that lasts a lifetime. For more information about Hope Haven, or to arrange a tour, call us at 904.346.5100.

Dealing with risky behavior in kids with ADHD

Dealing with risky behavior in kids with ADHD

Kids are naturally impulsive. Kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) even more so. And that can lead to more than the usual risky behavior and its consequences. While parents and other adults can’t, and shouldn’t, overprotect against every display of ill-advised conduct, that doesn't mean you have to cringe in silence. 

Children and adolescents with ADHD can learn to exert more self-control and make behavior choices more selectively. And in the process, they can spare themselves many of the hard knocks that usually come with problem behavior. Give these techniques a try:

  • Keep a channel open. Encourage children and adolescents to open up about their feelings, even the least comfortable ones. Establish a loving, non-judgmental environment where they can share what’s going, so they don’t have to seek out sympathetic ears someplace else. This can be self-reinforcing: each time a child takes the risk of talking honestly about their fears and feelings, your composure makes it easier for them to open up again next time. 

  • Be clear and consistent. Kids can be rule-breakers as they test boundaries. Yet they want and need clear guardrails on their behavior. They need to understand and expect consequences when they do mess up: When you do X, the result will be Y. Similarly, they will respect and learn from a teaching moment when it’s focused, delivered with love, and related specifically to the problem behavior that caused it. Always follow through with consequences when there’s a clear infraction.

  • Be proactive about substance abuse. After reaching a certain age, unmedicated ADHD kids may be more likely than others to consider drugs and/or alcohol—either as a self-medication strategy, to gain social acceptance or out of curiosity. So open and maintain a dialog about the downsides of substance abuse. At the same time, encourage them to seek you out if they’re experiencing emotional triggers like depression, anxiety or stress. This helps you deal with any underlying issues, not just the behaviors you see on the surface. While you’re at it: If the child is taking psychoactive medications, be proactive about why it’s a bad idea to share them. 

  • Listen and empathize. Understand where the child is coming from and what factors are driving their behavior. Unlike an adult, adolescents have difficulty with decision-making because their brains are not yet fully formed; that’s true for all adolescents and especially those with ADHD. Understand this developmental truth and you can avoid being judgmental when encountering problem behavior.

  • Practice some what-ifs. Help the child apply the rules in hypothetical, real-world scenarios. Kids encounter hard choices every day. It helps to run through the most dangerous ones in advance whenever the opportunity presents itself. How should you respond when a friend who has been drinking wants you to ride in a car with them? How do you confront a bully? What if someone offers to help you cheat on a test? This kind of role play arms the child with clear direction and alternative behaviors, and it positions you as a partner, rather than an adversary. One message every child should always have in their arsenal: if they ever find themselves in an unsafe situation, you’ll come pick them up, anywhere, anytime, without preconditions or judgment.

  • Recognize magical thinking. All adolescents think they can wish away unpleasant outcomes—like getting into an accident when you drive recklessly. That tendency comes with the territory. But you can arm yourself with facts to show how unrealistic thinking can skew a person’s judgment. By calling out magical thinking before it hardens, while the child is just “trying it on for size,” you help steer the child toward rational decision-making.

You can’t eliminate risky behavior, but you can anticipate when and how it occurs and take proactive steps to set up a support system. For more on helping ADHD adolescents manage their challenges and avoid risky behavior, consider our evaluation and therapy services. For a tour of our campus or more information, call us at 904.346.5100.